[Samsung TV model] the meaning of the meaning of how to see

Samsung TVs are divided into LCD TVs and plasma TVs (coming out of the market). What is the difference between the two models in the model name? How does a user quickly determine what a Samsung TV-supported feature is using a TV model? Today, the author talks about the meaning of the Samsung TV model.

How to see the Samsung TV model

On the back of the Samsung TV there is a label, a brochure, a box, and a regular invoice. Warranty card to be bar code, you can consult the manufacturer.

Samsung TV model meaning

1, Samsung LCD TV model meaning (Using UA75HU8500JXXZ as an example)

Samsung's official website uses the UA75HU8500J as an abbreviation, and major shopping malls and online malls may use UA75HU8500 and 75HU8500 as the abbreviation of TV models. The meanings of the letters in the model are as follows:

2, Samsung plasma TV model meaning (take PA60H5000AJXXZ as an example)

Samsung's official website uses PA60H5000AJ as an abbreviation, and major shopping malls and online malls may use PA60H5000 and 60H5000 as the abbreviation for TV models. The meaning of each letter in the model is as follows:

From the above description, we found that the letters in the Samsung TV model are used to indicate the series, origin, and inch size, and there is no excessive description of the functions of the Samsung TV. You want to know the detailed functions. , parameters or to see the instructions.