Zhonghao Optoelectronics: Localization of LED equipment "just in time"

On November 20th, the localization process of Tianlong Optoelectronics (300029) MOCVD equipment has been receiving much attention in the industry. The Securities Times reporter interviewed Chen Aihua, Chairman and CEO of Zhonghao Optoelectronic Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tianlong Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

Chen Aihua revealed that the company's MOCVD equipment sales this year has reached 60 million yuan, exceeding expectations, and will strive to exceed this figure before the end of the year.

On December 12, 2012, Zhonghao Optoelectronics successfully shipped China's first large-scale domestic MOCVD equipment with world-class level to customers. Chen Aihua said that December 12, 2012 is a "day" of a hundred years of hardship, and it is also a special day for Zhonghao Optoelectronics. “The equipment is currently operating very well and sales revenue has been confirmed.”

Chen Aihua introduced that customers who purchase MOCVD equipment include Huacan Optoelectronics (300323) and Yuanrong Optoelectronics. Due to the high cost of R&D and production of the equipment, the company adopted a sales and production strategy.

Because of its high technical content and complicated manufacturing process, the MOCVD equipment market has been monopolized by two foreign giants, Aixtron of Germany and Veeco of the United States. A few years ago, the price of an imported MOCVD equipment accounted for about 50% of the cost of the entire epitaxial chip production line.

Chen Aihua believes that the current localization of LED equipment can be said to be "justified", and the development of the LED industry has gradually entered a benign development track. He is very confident about the localization of MOCVD equipment.

In Chen Aihua's view, the US Veeco, which currently ranks first in the MOCVD market, is the company's biggest competitor. Aixtron in Germany is no longer a competitor considered by the company. In recent years, MOCVD equipment technology has advanced rapidly, and Aixtron's MOCVD automation is not enough, and there are relatively many links that require manual operation, which has already appeared in the market competition.

According to reports, Zhonghao Optoelectronics' MOCVD has four core competitive advantages: it has the highest system capacity in the world; it has the lowest epitaxial production cost; it has good wavelength uniformity; and it has various requirements for large-scale epitaxial production. Key performance. These core competencies are focused on solving the key issues that are currently urgently needed for large-scale LED production. It is especially important that these core differentiated competitiveness have independent intellectual property rights.

Chen Aihua said that in 2013, the company has occupied 3% of the domestic MOCVD market. In recent years, dozens of companies in China have been involved in the research and development of MOCVD equipment. Perhaps it is the threat of domestic equipment companies, and foreign companies have begun to cut prices sharply. At present, the MOCVD single-cavity machine (single reaction chamber) sold by Veeco in the United States is equivalent to more than 7 million yuan, which is a sharp drop from the price of 15 million yuan to 20 million yuan in 2010. Veeco also suffered a loss in the third quarter of this year due to the price war.

The 60 million yuan MOCVD equipment sold by Zhonghao Optoelectronics this year includes a total of six reaction chambers. Prices vary according to the price sold sooner or later.

“There is not much room for price wars.” Chen Aihua said that what the company can do is to improve equipment performance and help downstream customers to reduce the cost of single-piece epitaxy, such as improving the automation performance of equipment and reducing the consumption of raw materials. According to the company's calculations, using the MOCVD equipment of Zhonghao Optoelectronics, the cost of single-chip epitaxy of downstream customers can be reduced by at least 25% compared with the equipment of Veeco in the United States.

Chen Aihua said that equipment research and development is not an easy task. It has a large investment, a lot of difficulties, and a long cycle. It needs to be forward-looking. Fortunately, the company has a group of professional teams with more than 20 years of experience in semiconductor equipment research and development. However, the localization of equipment still needs policy support and needs the support of downstream enterprises.

Previously, government subsidies focused on the support of LED upstream chip companies, mainly for large-scale subsidies for enterprises to purchase MOCVD equipment, subsidy funds usually account for half of the equipment price. Most of these subsidies were taken away by Aixtron of Germany and Veeco of the United States. Chen Aihua hopes that the government can introduce more policies to support the localization of MOCVD equipment, such as subsidies for the purchase of domestic MOCVD equipment.

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