When the world shifts priority from mobile to AI, future business competition will win in the "dimension"

Lei Feng Network (search "Lei Feng Net" public concern) : This article is reproduced from the fourth paradigm public number. The fourth paradigm is the leading international provider of artificial intelligence technology and services. Based on an independent research and development artificial intelligence application developer development platform, the fourth paradigm is dedicated to solving the problem of high barriers to AI applications and creating artificial intelligence solutions for different industries.

"The world will change from mobile first to artificial intelligence first." After AlphaGo became famous in the world, Google President Pichai said at the Google I/O Developer Conference.

As one of the sources of the China Entrepreneur Forum, the Yabuli Forum has always been regarded as one of the most influential platforms for exchange of ideas in China. This year, the “frontier science and technology” sub-forum that best represents the future trend in Yabuli Summer Forum takes the theme “from mobile to AI—artificial intelligence tipping point” and aims to explore the role of artificial intelligence technology in the future of corporate competition.

At the forum, Dai Wenyuan, founder and CEO of the fourth paradigm, proposed that the competition in the new form of the enterprise has changed from the previous race-style resource competition to the efficiency-oriented technology competition, and the innovation has been emphasized from the past. Turning to innovation driven by technological innovation. Under such a competitive pattern, the increasingly popular artificial intelligence technology in the "dimension" (such as 'VC dimension', etc.) will become the core indicator to measure the competitiveness of enterprises.

Under the new situation, operational efficiency determines the outcome

In 2016, as the economic growth gradually slowed down and the capital market became calmer, the first half of the Internet economy that “burns money” to buy traffic and imports seems to have come to an end, relying on model innovation to occupy the competitive edge of the track. As the market matures and becomes crowded, it gradually weakens . More companies are crowding into the same "track", which means that the entrepreneurs' subtle differences in their operations and decisions can change their position in the market .

In this situation, operational efficiency has become the key to business success. Take Amazon as an example. Thanks to the application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence storage robots that are 4 times faster than their counterparts in the industry and differentiated and personalized intelligent commodity recommendation systems, Amazon's operational efficiency has improved rapidly and its performance continues to soar. The status of the industry keeps rising and the company's market value has leapt to the fourth place in the world (August 2016 data); while China's fastest growing Internet company Didi travels, under the influence of smart ecological maps, management efficiency and operational efficiency have been improved in all directions. This success has attracted Apple's investment and is making great strides toward "efficiency" driven companies; not only in the Internet industry, the chain of real estate in the traditional industry is also actively seeking technological innovation, relying on the platform's powerful data acquisition and information acquisition capabilities, through data. Digging and research, obtaining forward-looking decisions and becoming a leader in the market.

For entrepreneurs, operational efficiency is not only an indicator to measure whether a company can be healthy and sustainable, but also a key indicator to measure the core competitiveness of the company. Dai Wenyuan believes that “ the development of technology represented by artificial intelligence can solve the efficiency problems that cannot be solved in the past. Operational efficiency is both the impetus for the development of the enterprise and the inevitable requirement for the enterprise to be invincible. It is an entrepreneur. Problems that we cannot ignore.”

In the new environment, artificial intelligence brings breakthrough

With Alpha Go's rise in artificial intelligence, more and more entrepreneurs place their hopes on improving operational efficiency on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence. At the same time, people are increasingly wondering how artificial intelligence, which is far from the public, can help companies improve their efficiency. Dai Wenyuan stated that the reason why artificial intelligence can bring breakthroughs to the growth of business performance is because artificial intelligence can tap real individual user needs in massive data and tailor products and services tailored to the needs of each user. User response rate, user experience enhancement, user stickiness, revenue growth, etc. This is different from the previous "enclosure" exchange of traffic and entrance, but the interaction between the user and the enterprise from passive to active, greatly improving operational efficiency.

Precisely positioning users, responding quickly, and responding to needs flexibly are the three magic weapons for artificial intelligence applications. First of all, in the aspect of marketing efficiency improvement, artificial intelligence can accurately recommend personalized products or services and reduce resource odds , such as Amazon and Taobao’s smart goods recommendation system, making it easier for users to find products that meet their expectations. Today, the headline personalized reading recommendation, let users in the limited-size mobile phone screen, get more news that you want to see the news; Second, the speed of information updates, but also on the company's decision-making rapid response put forward higher requirements . Rapidly identifying any fleeting opportunities and responding to real-time decisions in an ever-changing environment is an important part of artificial intelligence to increase operational efficiency. Finally, the needs and behavior of current users are constantly changing, constantly changing from ever-changing environments. Self-study, timely self-correcting strategies and forming closed-loop, in order to adapt to the external continuous changes in order to maximize the benefits and maintain competitive advantage.

In the future, artificial intelligence technology will, like the Internet, penetrate into every scenario, every device, and every service. Companies in the financial, Internet, telecommunications, media, manufacturing, and other industries have already deployed artificial intelligence. Taking the fourth paradigm as an example, its solutions based on product marketing, differentiated pricing, and risk control in the financial industry allow bank customers to accurately position customers from vast amounts of data and tap potential customer needs to make the entire production and consumption chain more efficient. Ascension enables enterprises to obtain the maximum benefit with the least investment in human and financial resources .

In new technology, dimensions become metrics

It can be foreseen that the degree of utilization of new productivity such as artificial intelligence will be an important indicator to measure the core competitiveness of enterprises , and choosing to use more powerful technology will undoubtedly bring greater benefits to the company. Regarding the division of strengths of artificial intelligence technology, Dai Wenyuan believes that it can be judged by using some scientific criteria, such as the “dimension” often used in statistics, to determine the level of artificial intelligence technology. Broadly speaking, the dimension is the complexity of the model or function, the higher the dimension, the more accurate the operation, and the stronger the ability of artificial intelligence.

Taking the image recognition field as an example, according to the data of the international authoritative ImageNet image classification contest, the model complexity “VC dimension” has risen from about 300,000 in 2010 to about 100 million in 2015, and the classification error rate has dropped from 0.262 to 0.0357. 5 years, the picture recognition error rate is reduced by 8 times, and finally the machine is lower than the human error rate in image recognition. Behind the reduction in error rate is the powerful intelligence brought about by the increase in dimensions.

Obviously, the high-dimensional model efficiency is much higher than the low-dimensional model efficiency, which in turn affects the overall operational efficiency of the enterprise, and sets a criterion for the application of artificial intelligence. As mentioned earlier, the subtle differences in business operations and decision-making between entrepreneurs will change the advantages and status of corporate competition. In the future when artificial intelligence is becoming more and more popular, what dimension of artificial intelligence products will be selected will determine how much new productivity will contribute to the improvement of the company's efficiency . Dai Wenyuan believes that the dimensions of the AI ​​standard will gradually translate into indicators that measure the company’s core competitiveness. The ultra-high-dimensional artificial intelligence technology will be applied to all aspects of production and operation of enterprises, such as "powerful growth factors", and will promote the "wild growth" of enterprises in the future competitive landscape.