The main family viewing experience, cloud audio analysis MoreTV six features!

According to the relevant laws and regulations of the country, the main application of smart TV, the video of cats, officially cooperated with the Internet TV licensee “Southern Media” in July of this year, and was renamed “Cloud Audio-visual MoreTV” after the upgrade. “Cloud audiovisual” refers to the licensee’s “Southern media” and “MoreTV” refers to the “television cat”.

In the latest upgrade, TV Cat (Cloud TV) joined the video VIP service, highlighting the theme of “Quality Family Vision”, and focusing on family viewing quality. Although the first-time charge made some users less comfortable, the official data showed that many users had purchased members. After carefully analyzing the latest version of the TV cat (Cloud Watch MoreTV), finally understand why!

Fresh news

In a large family, the middle-aged people have been the main group of people watching TV, and this group's preference for television content is news current affairs.

The new version of TV Cat (Cloud Watching MoreTV) closely follows this demand and creates a new "Information Clip" channel. This is different from the news display of a tofu block in other TV software. It is a system information channel covering news. Headlines, entertainment news, explosive sports, technological frontiers, health coups and other areas, and keeping up with current events, have specifically planned 19 major topics. The fresh information channel can be said to suit the needs of the elderly at home.